Contact Us

How can we help?

Have questions? Want to discuss a complicated project? Give us a call! We strive to be in constant communication with our customers to provide the best solutions and support possible.

JP Sercel TBC, LLC

220 Hackett Hill Road, Box 2

Manchester, NH 03102, USA

+1 (603) 222-3703

[email protected]

International Affiliates and Representatives

Busch Microsystems GmbHWebsite

An der Altnah 34

55450 Langenlonsheim


Taiwan (R.O.C)

Multipleway Technology Company, Ltd.

Contact: Bell Lin
1F., No. 606, Fude St., Xinpu Township
Hsinchu County 305
Taiwan (R.O.C.)

China Mainland

Beijing QFan Cando Technology Co., Ltd
Contact: Cher Cau
5-502. No 1 Building, ErJieFang, Jiuxianqiao, Chaoyang district
Beijing 100016

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